Welcome to our new WorryTree!

Welcome to our new WorryTree!

Welcome to our all-new WorryTree app!

If you’ve installed or updated WorryTree recently then you’ll know we’ve made some really big changes - not just to the look and feel of our app but also to how it works, with some wonderful new features that we’re really proud of! 

So today we’re going to break down the changes that we’ve made here, and introduce you to our new look WorryTree!

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

How scheduling worry time can help with anxiety

Simply trying not to think or worry about something just doesn’t work. And that can be where the worry time technique can really help some people. You’re not trying not to think about it, you’re noting it down and making a deal with your brain to think about it later.

Do you struggle with media anxiety?

Do you struggle with media anxiety?

These days it’s nearly impossible to avoid the overwhelming presence of the media and the impact it has on our day to day lives. Whether it’s constantly seeing worrying news, or not getting as many likes as you hoped on Instagram, the media can have a detrimental effect on many people's mental health. As someone who knows first hand how overwhelming the media can feel, I have had to learn how to manage my activity online in order to protect my wellbeing and avoid going down an anxious spiral. If you are someone who finds themselves becoming anxious when scrolling through social media or checking your news app, it may be worth considering a few ways to better manage your time online and, as a result, limit the stress you feel.

What are Body Focussed Repetitive Behaviours?

What are Body Focussed Repetitive Behaviours?

Do you ever find yourself anxiously pulling on your hair, picking your skin or biting your nails? You might not notice you are doing it, or maybe you just brush it off as a ‘bad habit’, but these actions are actually what's known as Body Focussed Repetitive Behaviours (BFRB’s).

Feeling festive or not so much? How to cope with festive anxiety

Feeling festive or not so much? How to cope with festive anxiety

The year is drawing to a close, the nights (and mornings!) here in the UK are dark and cold, and there's a sparkle in the air as the festive season really kicks in, decorations appear in front windows and the pumpkin spiced lattes are swapped for mulled wine.

Indoors it can be a warm and welcoming time of year but it can also be a difficult one for many of us. It's not just the high expectations of creating the perfect season, the sudden influx of social events to prepare for, or the ramping up of comparisonitis as we see 'everyone else' posting about the daily antics of their Christmas elves and their perfect festive decorations.

How to Mindfully Refocus your Attention

How to Mindfully Refocus your Attention

When it comes to worries, the best option is always to acknowledge them and work out a way to overcome them, however this isn’t always possible. Often, we find ourselves having what's known as hypothetical worries (“what if…?” worries) and in this case, overcoming the worry can be very difficult as there is no certainty to what will happen in the future. In these situations, we find the most effective method is to mindfully refocus your attention.

How to use WorryTree

How to use WorryTree

A few weeks ago our Founder Louise jumped onto Zoom in a live webinar where she talked us through the WorryTree cognitive behavioural therapy technique and how to use our WorryTree app!

If you missed it, you can watch a recording of the session here!

Do you struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Do you struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder?

It’s that time of year again in the northern hemisphere when it’s dark when you wake up, sunny while you're at work, and dark again by the time you get home. For the lucky few, this is something they don’t even think about, but if you're anything like me it can have a massive toll on your mental health. This is because of something called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression.

How to get through uncertain times

How to get through uncertain times

Life can be really uncertain sometimes. Things come up that are scary and hard, whether that’s unexpected pandemics, health scares, job losses, divorce or some other major life challenge.

When the shit hits the fan it’s hard to think straight. In uncertain times thoughts can spiral endlessly for days and you can find yourself sucked into the Google void and obsessively catastrophising every possible worst-case scenario. If you’re someone who lives with habitual negative thinking or generalised anxiety in the best of times, the worst of times can seem completely overwhelming. Insurmountable.

There’s a superpower we have though that we can use in our favour. Planning…