WorryTree for Health Professionals


WorryTree was designed to support patients currently undergoing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

WorryTree is a tool that makes it easier for patients and clients to practice the worry tree technique between their sessions with a therapist and to share their recorded worries with you.

It’s also perfect to use as a first-level intervention with a patient while they are waiting for face-to-face sessions to begin.


How WorryTree can help you support your patients

The WorryTree app walks your patients through each step of the worry tree technique from the convenience of their phone, meaning they are able to acknowledge and work through worries wherever they are while embedding these techniques into their lives in a much easier way.

WorryTree also allows patients to download and share their worries through multiple channels such as email, text, WhatsApp and more so they are able to share their worries with you quickly and simply.



At WorryTree our Clinical Advisors have been instrumental in making sure that the tools we develop in our app are in line with evidence-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques. We’re always looking for more professionals from different backgrounds who can give us feedback about the work we’re doing and provide guidance and influence to keep us on the right track. If you’d like to find out more about our Advisory Panel then complete this short form and we’ll be in touch.


“Louise has brought alive a CBT change mechanism and amplified its effect. I wholeheartedly support her making this accessible to as many people as possible.”

Dr Sarah Bateup, Chief Clinical Officer at Oliva 

“Fantastic app to use on an everyday basis. Easily accessible allowing for effective worry time. Very secure. Amazing support from developer who genuinely cares about the user and experience.”

Dr Kronenbourg, General Practitioner



We created these posters to be displayed in communal areas so your patients can learn more about WorryTree, as well as a simple way to download the app by scanning the QR code.